Hello, I’m Dels

I am an international banking lawyer who went from burnout and stress to launching a portfolio career spanning tech and business consulting for multi-billion dollar companies - all with zero direct experience.

All I had was my grit, passion and desperation to escape the daily grind of staring at contracts at ungodly hours of the morning. 


After months of over-analysing…

I realised what was keeping me stuck:  fear and lack of direction.

So I built an action plan to switch up my career, and less than six months later:

  • I was on stage at Google pitching my own tech product

  • Running a successful career mastermind with other high achieving professionals who wanted more control over their lives.

  • I had my dream multi-national company as a client, a new future proof career in tech and the best part - better work-life balance!


Don’t let confusion keep you stuck

My fear of making a mistake and inability to find career coaches who understood my specialist background led me to spend months figuring out how to make a career change in the most risk-free way.

Once I achieved that, the process was seamless and stress-free!

Now I share that same game-changing strategy with thousands of other professionals on my youtube channel and directly with a private group of clients on the Career Game Changer program.

If you’re a high achiever who wants more from life than living to work, apply to join Career Game Changer now, and we’ll show you how to leap into work you love without taking a pay cut or starting over from scratch!

“If you are looking to navigate a big career change, Adele is the person who will give you the full 360 view on what that could look like!”

— Malak, A

How we help our clients on Career Game Changer


Crystal Clear Clarity

It's hard to take the first step into your dream career when you're not sure what direction you should head in. You may feel lost, confused and uncertain about your next steps.

We help you clarify your WHY so that you can be sure that your next career move is in perfect alignment with your core interests and goals. We also provide you with a personalised strategy that sets out the most straightforward way to achieve those goals in a risk-free way.

Unshakeable Confidence

Feeling confident in your next career move can be a challenge, especially if you are unsure about how transferable your skills and experience are.

We'll give you the tools and insight you need to have the confidence and resilience to make a successful transition. Plus, we’ll help you frame your background, skills and experience so that your dream employers and clients can see how PERFECT you are for the roles you want!

Proven Strategy

Getting a new job or securing a promotion is hard. You may have years of experience, but so many other people seem just as qualified.

We teach you how to stand out even for the most competitive roles and win over hiring managers with proven strategies that work! You’ll get everything you need to create a winning resume, flex at interviews, negotiate the salary you deserve and launch the career of your dreams effortlessly!


Unparalleled Support

You dont have to make your big career decisions alone. Whether you’re trying to figure out if it’s time for a new job or looking for advice on how best to navigate your current one, we have you covered!

Our goal is simple —we want our clients to succeed in all aspects of their lives, and we are here as your biggest cheerleaders cheering YOU ON! You’ll also get advice from our expert contributors and other ambitious professionals like you who share your goal of building a successful career while enjoying a happy life!

 Free Career Transformation Masterclass


Discover the mindset shifts and practical steps that successful high achievers have used to execute six-figure mid-career leaps without taking pay cuts or starting over from scratch!